Fri, Jan 18, 2019, 2:08 PM
Arielle to Julian :

Una palabra por hoy : SEED


One word for today: SEED
Sat, Jan 19, 2019, 1:19 PM
J. to A.

un objeto, protagonista.
una parte de tu cuerpo, protagonista
a través de la tarde, la relación entre ambas cambia radicalmente.


an object, protagonist
one part of your body, protagonist
throughout the afternoon, their relationship changes radically

Sat, Jan 19, 2019, 10:04 PM
Arielle to Julian :

Tao Te Ching 43

La más blanda de todas las cosas supera las más rígida de todas ellas.
Solo la Nada penetra en donde no hay espacio.


Dao De Ching fragment 43

What’s softest in the world,
Rushes and run
Over what’s hardest in the world
The immaterial
the impenetrable.
Tue, Jan 22, 2019, 4:19 PM
Julian to A

pensar en lo que pasó en tu día y buscar una sensación tactil, o auditiva, olfativa.
quedar sintonizada con esa sensación.
mover el cuerpo, la cámara, los objetos en relación a esa sensación


think about what happened during your day and look for a tactil, auditive, or olfactory sensation
keep tuned with that sensation
move the body, the camera, the objects in relationship to this sensation
Thu, Jan 24, 2019, 11:21AM
A. to Julian

El mantel, se transforma en tu manta.


The tablecloth, transforms into your blanket
Fri, Feb 1, 2019, 11:50 PM
Arielle to Julian

Hoy, cual es tu relación con intensidad, potencia y resistencia ?


Today what is your relationship to intensity, power, and resistance ?
Wed, Feb 6, 2019, 1:14 AM
Julian to Arielle :

armar un score en respuesta de uno de estos videos (o un score que una los dos videos)​ ----> de minuto 48:04 a 50:30 solamente


Create a score in answer to one of these videos (or a score that links them)​ ----> de minuto 48:04 a 50:30 solamente
huellas del 20 de enero
Notes on Stengers:
What is entitled to really exist and what is not entitled to do so.
Scientists infected as well as those who accept their authority about what subjectively exist. Animists infected too, if they affirm that stones REALLY have souls or intentions.
Those who are categorized as animist have no words for REALLY (retaking Descola)
RECLAIMING this power = recovering what we have been expropriated from, not just get it back, also in the sense that we have to recover from this expropriation and recuperate what this expropriation has destroyed.
Fri, Feb 8, 2019, 9:46 PM
Arielle To Julian :

Para tu sesión :
Una linea
Un paisaje
Una maquina


For your session :
A line
A landscape
A machine
Sun, Febr 24, 2019, 9:22 PM
Julian to A

encontrar un encuadre y dejar la camara fija, grabando sin cortar.

no ensayar, dejar que la camara grabe todo.

puedes parar la grabación para buscar otros encuadres.

no utilizar camara en mano salvo que sea necesario para la acción que quieres transmitir.


Find a frame and leave the fixed camera, recording without cutting. 

do not rehearse, let the camera record everything.

You can stop the recording to look for other framings/

Do not use the camera hand held, except if necesary for the action you want to transmit.

During 10 weeks we generated material for a film without ever shooting together.

Thinking around scores as an entry to being able to write with images, the script writing was constituted by a couple of sentences per week (scores), sent by email to each other.
The direction was basically based on co-absence, and the performances were audienceless in a closed studio.

The cast was only made of a small selection of objects, which we would either alter or accompany in their organic process along these 10 weeks. Our bodies progressively activated and interacted with the space and characters.
A video writing experiment in collaboration with Julian Gatto,
and the caring support of Branwen Okpako